Make some extra money on your website
Run ads on your site
There are many sources for getting ads on your site. They can be for specific products, selected based on your content, or picked at random. With some of the ads, you may be compensated each time someone clicks on it. Others may require a purchase. Contact us to evaluate your needs and to prepare a plan for you.
Affiliate marketing - make money on someone else's products
Almost every well-known company (and many that are not) are represented by one or more of the affiliate managers. You can earn commissions for referrals to their products (these generally will require a purchase to earn a payment). You can perhaps better serve your customers by enrolling in affiliate programs for products and services complementary to your own. We can do the work or advise you in the best ways to monetize your site. Contact us to prepare a plan for your company.
Get your own affiliates - get others to promote your products
We can also advise you about running your own affiliate programs to get others to promote your company. contact us for details.
The fine print
The techniques that we use and/or recommend for monetizing your site are those that have been generally recognized as effective. However, the variability of traffic and uncertainties inherent in whether visitors are interested in your ads make results uncertain. All of that means that we cannot guarantee specific results for your site.